Film Directing

From my early years of school I’ve understood that I can’t use the lye as a method of communication as I was cached from the first tries. So, while choosing my profession I’ve decided not to go to theater or fiction film, as the audience there is interested in lies that could convince them. After many years of study and practice, I now consider that the most important thing in documentary film directing is the honest communication between the filmmaker and the audience, even if there is documentary manipulation during editing or filming.

Trailers of my films

My films available online

Film Director

As a documentary filmmaker I was formed mainly with the help of my two masters. Armen Dovlatyan was my bachelor’s degree master for 5 years and stayed with us at the university till 1 am to finish the editing or performance rehearsals. The technical part of editing is possible to learn in several weeks, but the artistic and creative professionalism needs to train the brain and eyes for years. The second person is Harutyun Khachatryan, the founder of the Golden Apricot International Film Festival, who was my lead in the Master’s degree. Masterclasses and workshops by world-famous filmmakers, classical and modern films with a high sense of aesthetics and art-house mood also were organized by the Golden Apricot.

After my study, I was lucky enough to meet major producers who liked my style in documentaries and hired me as a director on condition that I should keep my style.

Consultancy and training

Even working with a large crew, documentary film directors should have – except knowledge – practical skills in scriptwriting, cinematography, and editing to understand the need for each step in large-scale combinations.

Especially the documentary film director should be a person with a well-developed sense of creativity and quick orientation ability. Watching various kinds of films and reading many books are important for creating a taste of the author, but the following concepts are also significant to become a professional:

  • Creating an atmosphere
  • Playing with material
  • Digging
  • Flock ability
  • Active listening
  • Understanding of image and sound Management and Rhetorical skills
  • Situational leadership
  • Communication
PURIFICATION poetic documentary

I offer documentary film directing workshops for individuals and groups without age limits.