
The huge amount of knowledge that we learn in school or university is not always directly or indirectly necessary for us to make the life happier, healthier, safer, respectful etc. Intercultural learning, practice based projects, game based activities are coming to accomplish our abilities with a final goal to make a better quality of life. These are the components of non-formal education, which I’ve found out in 2003 with a teenager’s inclusive debate club. After many projects in 2011 I’ve graduated a 2 year course by the Youth Department of Council of Europe and started a career as a trainer. Main topics of my interests are the Peace Education and the Documentary filmmaking (with a wider look to media education). I consider my main mentors in this field Tatev Margaryan (Member of the Trainers’ Pool of the Youth Department of the Council of Europe) and Menno Ettema (“No Hate Speech” Movement Coordinator).

Below examples of films and videos made by participants of my trainings/workshops are available.